Learn to dance Kathak online from your home and discover the liveliness and energy which imparts to you…
What you have to do is just click your way to a world of learning and select your choice of location. You may also find links to free online dance lessons and a few recommendations and suggestions for the beginners and the intermediates, those who wholeheartedly wishes to enjoy Kathak, the dance of motion. You will find video tutorials of Guru Pali Chandra for beginners and intermediate in this Online Programme.
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Chaugun Demonstration with the Students - Tatkaar (Footwork) - Teental
Chaugun Demonstration with the Students - Tatkaar (Footwork) - Teental
Chaugun Demonstration with the Students - Tatkaar (Footwork) - Teental
The Guru and her students demonstrate Chaugun for the benefit of beginners. The heightened pace and overall speed do not act as a deterrent to learning. The well controlled movements of the performers seem to align mystically with the beats. Our eyes will have trouble keeping up with the movements but is worth the effort. It is truly a marvelous display of craftsmanship.
Tishra Jati | Demonstration with Music
Parmelu ka Tukra Explanation Tishra Jati
Guru Vandana Detailed Explanation for Beginners - Understanding Guru Vandana Shloka Step-by-Stepin K
What is Kathak? The history and evolution of Kathak Gharanas in India
Chaugun Explanation and Demonstration - Tatkaar (Footwork) - Teental
Incorporating Hastak Movement to Vocabulary in Kathak for Beginners, Explanation and Demonstration i
Definition and Notation of Padhant - Table for Padhant (Recitation)