Learn to dance Kathak online from your home and discover the liveliness and energy which imparts to you…
What you have to do is just click your way to a world of learning and select your choice of location. You may also find links to free online dance lessons and a few recommendations and suggestions for the beginners and the intermediates, those who wholeheartedly wishes to enjoy Kathak, the dance of motion. You will find video tutorials of Guru Pali Chandra for beginners and intermediate in this Online Programme.
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Paran Judi Amad - Solo Performance by Guru Pali Chandra
Guru Pali Chandra gifts a solo performance on Paran Judi Amad to the novices of Kathak worldwide. The facial expressions employed by Guru in each movement are striking and appealing. Her performance is an ideal guide for the mentees to absorb the tactics of movements and body posture while performing. The flow of emotions and fluid movements to Lasyas and Tandavi is a beautiful sight to behold. The efficiency in her movements makes the performance hallucinatory.
Palat or Turn Explanation and Importance in Kathak for Beginners
Natwari Tukra 3 - Explanation on the Movements and Footwork
Dugun Demonstration with the Students - Tatkaar (Footwork) - Teental
Tatkaar (Footwork) - Teental - Ekgun Demonstration with the Students
Chaugun Demonstration with the Students - Tatkaar (Footwork) - Teental
Natwari Tukra Definitions and Syllabaries
Aalingan ki Amad Explanation and Demonstration for Beginners