To Get Beginners Kathak Lessons in English
To Get Beginners Kathak Lessons in Hindi

Kathak, an art of devotion

Learn to dance Kathak online from your home and discover the liveliness and energy which imparts to you…
What you have to do is just click your way to a world of learning and select your choice of location. You may also find links to free online dance lessons and a few recommendations and suggestions for the beginners and the intermediates, those who wholeheartedly wishes to enjoy Kathak, the dance of motion. You will find video tutorials of Guru Pali Chandra for beginners and intermediate in this Online Programme.
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Parampara: Going back to our roots | Worskhsop designed for those who take dance more seriously.
Here renowned Kathak dancer Pali Chandra explains about ‘Parampara’- a programme designed for those who take dance more seriously.

Pali reasons that to reach greater heights, you need to know your roots. Aimed at those who want to explore dance deeply, parampara has been designed to bring dancers from all over the world back to their roots in India.

Here Pali traces the journey of the programme which started off in 2010 and explains why it is essential to go back to our roots. Do watch the video for more.