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Meaning of Guru Vandana Shloka - Lyrics and Translation of Gurur Brahma Gurur Vishnu
We are given the lyrics and translation to the great Guru Vandana shloka. These are indeed a great source of information and learning that will help us gain a deeper insight into this traditions and their significance in the modern day.
Gurur Brahma Gurur Vishnu
Guru Devo Maheshwara
Guru Saakshaat Para Brahma
Tasmai Shri Gurave Namaha
The true meaning of the word ‘Guru’ is “one who dispels the darkness of ignorance”. ‘Gu’ means ‘darkness’ and ‘Ru’ means ‘one who removes’. The Guru resembles the trinity Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva.
Guru is like Brahma-the creator. He creates or inculcates knowledge in the minds of the students. Guru is like Vishnu – the preserver. He maintains or preserves the knowledge in the students. Guru is like Shiva-the destroyer.
Guru removes the darkness of ignorance from the students’ mind. Guru is hence the manifestation of the Para Brahma (the supreme essence) within all of us. I offer my respects to the Guru
Tatkaar (Footwork) - Teentaal - Ekgun Explanation and Demonstration
Natwari Tukra Definitions and Syllabaries
Sum Explanation for Beginners - Understanding the Importance of Sum in Kathak
Tatkaar (Footwork) Teental - Demonstration with the Students
Amad Introduction for Beginners - Understanding the Importance of Amad in Kathak
Omkaaram Sloka Meaning – Translation of Omkaaram bindu samyuktam
Chaar Dishaaon Ki Amad - Definitions and Syllabary